The best beginner drum book pdf download
The best beginner drum book pdf download

59 5.1.2 Bass Drum Variation 2.60 5.1.3 Bass Drum Variation 3.61 5.1.4 Bass Drum Variation 4.62 5.1.5 Bass Drum Variation 5.63 5.1.6 Bass Drum Variation 6.64 5.1.7 Snare Drum Syncopation.64 5.2 Syncopation in other drum beat styles. 57 5.1 Adding spice to your grooves with more bass drums.57 5.1.1 Bass Drum Variation 1. 42 4.7 Shuffle Beats.46 4.8 Jazz Beats.52 4.8.1 Jazz Feet Co-ordination.54 27 4.4 Slow 16th note beats / Ballard beats.27 4.5 Disco/Dance 16th Note Beats.

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16 4.1 8th Note 4/4 Rock and Pop Beat.16 4.1.1 The Motown Train Beat.20 4.2 Quarter Note Rock.23 4.3 16th Note Beats – Ballards and Dance Style. The sound files.14 What are all those tables ?.14 5 1.1ĩ0% of music uses these 7 basic drum beats. Some links in the manual may change, but I do endeavour to keep them up to date on my website at All Rights Reserved Reproduction or translation of any part of this book by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the permission of the publisher (that is me Robert Gordon) is unlawful. Though I have worked long and hard to provide accurate information, I can’t take responsibility for loss or action to any individual or corporation acting or not taking action as a result of the material presented here.

the best beginner drum book pdf download

Please don’t be a stranger! Put “Not Spam” in the subject line Copyright © 2004-10 Robert Gordon Every effort is made to ensure this manual is free from error or problems.

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The best beginner drum book pdf download